4 star review – Female Arts

Having been a Top Pick (Camden Review) and also a Hot Ticket (Fringe Review) for my Singing Psychic Camden show here is a lovely 4 star review this week by Female Arts reviewer Carly Halse and some lovely quotes

‘delightful little concept, all Polish accent & 70s’
‘clearly skilled in improvisation & audience interaction’
‘the cabaret element sparkles with quick wit and humour’
‘… a gloriously entertaining night out’
‘the readings themselves are delightfully cheeky’
‘her grimoire of 100% no 1 s is 100% accurate and it is genuinely quite interesting to hear the tones, themes and styles of music shift audibly through the years.’
‘..one imagines (her) to have a song for every occasion, and the bank of musical knowledge plus the ability to thematically link them all is impressive. ultimately whether you believe in her abilities or not (she) proves herself an incredibly capable performer with a twinkle in her eye and songs through her head and heart.’
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I am just recovering after a week of my shows at the Tristan Bates theatre in London’s West End, thank you to all who came along! I did London Live TV and Soho Radio as my character THE SINGING PSYCHIC, got some lovely reviews and now onto the next steps.. more horoscope vidoes and standalone sketches. plus I am now on Episode 9 of my SONGS OF SOHO webseries.

Full review http://www.femalearts.com/node/1973


Don’t worry i will be back and you can always watch my ongoing series of videos – one up every Wednesday 11.30am GMT

camden review sp top pick  Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 11.52.55horoscope leo singing psychic